come up with an awesome movie, or The Justice League will take even longer to get off the ground. If there was ever a time for the pressure to be on for a movie to be awesome, It's now.
The movie starts off on... you guessed it, Krypton. Without giving away any spoilers, the planet is doomed, and Jor-El (Russell Crowe), is trying to save his son. General Zod (Michael Shannon), however, doesn't like that idea, setting the stage for our main villain. Young Kal-El (Henry Cavill) is sent to Earth, where he is raised by two Kansas farmers, played by Diane Lane, and Kevin Costner. As he grows up, he must confront his past, and try to understand why he is the way he is. And when Zod returns, he must face this external threat as well. Can he do it? You'll have to watch the movie to find out.
First of all, I want to talk about some of the acting. Particularly Cavill. Going into this movie, I was really afraid that I would be comparing him to Christopher Reeve the whole time. Simply because he is the best Superman... ever. I didn't have that problem. Cavill did a fantastic job with the role. He looked the part, he sounded the part, and he reminded me of what I loved about Superman. He wasn't Christopher Reeve, but he didn't have to be. He brought something brand new along with our classic Superman.

Jor-El was one of my favorite characters in this movie, simply because he was awesome. I would venture to say he had the best comic relief in the movie, but still managed to be awesome. I was happy to see him actually have a good size role in the movie. That was certainly a new take. Russell Crowe does not disappoint.
The action in this movie was truly incredible. I would even say it was probably the best special effects we've seen in any movie. There were times when I felt the action was over done a bit, but I was still entertained. The final fight with Zod left me breathless. Truly amazing.

there was so much crammed in, it was almost too much to take. The first half of the movie was basically one big flashback, and it was kinda hard to keep up. Other than Kal, there was very little good character development. He's the only one who we can really see go beyond the screen. That was really disappointing. That, coupled with the crammingness... Is that a word? Well, it made it hard to move into the second half of the movie. Once I got there I was kinda like "Wait... how did I get here, anyway?" Which was just overall a bad direction choice. I understand why they had to make this one movie, but I really feel like it just didn't work in that aspect. The second half of this movie was amazing, the first half was decent. The transition, was awful.
I really did like this movie, I just felt like it could have been a lot better. I mean, there were so many mysteries set up in the first half that were answered in the second. That would have been great for two movies! General Zod going away in the first movie, to return in the sequel? That would have really got fan's attention. I guess it just wasn't meant to be, but I really do believe that the sequel will be a lot better. Possibly exploring the life of Clark Kent a little more. That would be great to see.
I'm going to give it a solid 3.5/5. That's fresh on Rotten Tomatoes so... yeah. Man of Steel.
Comment below and tell me what you think! Also, what's your favorite Superman movie? Thanks for reading!
You went into the movie a bigger fan than I. They had to do more work to win me over and, sadly, they did not: http://cobyscomics.blogspot.com/2013/06/superman-superman-superman.html