the first one, so I was really looking forward to this movie. And Star Trek: The Voyage Home, is one of my favorite movies of all time because of it's wit, and heart. If anything, I was hoping for that, in this movie. But did we get it?
Just a fair warning, this review will not contain any huge spoilers, however I will tell some non-essential things revealed in the movie. So read at your own risk.
At the very beginning of this movie, we find our cast on a planet that's doomed. In the midst of trying to save it, Spock must risk his life in order to protect this species. We see some good humor, and great character development in this scene. I loved this. When the scene was over, I wanted to see more of this light hearted action. It was a bit over the top, but I really didn't mind it so much because of the fact that it's a Star Trek movie. The original series, was one of the most over the top things on TV. It felt like Star Trek, and I loved that. As time goes on, we see our heroes investigate a tragedy. And huge loss brings them to the Klingon Home world of Kronos. This was a brilliantly directed scene. The imagery was just beautiful, and the ships, to the Klingons themselves looked incredible, and believable. It was great. As time goes on, they must face a new adversary, as well as another enemy that lies in their own ranks, and the possible destruction of their ship, The Enterprise, wait for them. If you want to know more about these things, check out my Spoilers review later on.

This film was brilliantly directed. The ships, the people, the planets, all looked incredible. I was blown away by the way each scene could take you on a journey. Whether it be one that's action packed, hilarious, or devastating. We see a lot of humor and wit. I just loved the way the cast interacted. Of course the way Spock (Zachary Quinto) and Kirk (Chris Pine) interacted was great, but each character had their own way of dealing with the rest of the crew. Uhura (Zoe Zaldana) and Spock were a couple in this movie, and I thought it was weird at first, but JJ Abrams somehow made it work. It was really funny, and I really felt for them. I guess it was a success. There was a new crew member on the Enterprise. Carol Marcus (Alice Eve), joined the ship as a science officer. I was kinda wary of this at first, because there were so many characters that had to be payed attention to. Somehow, there was more than enough character development. And she

Each character did an excellent job acting. But there was one person who stood out above the rest. Benedict
Cumberbatch as the main villain. He played one of the best bad guys I've seen in a long time. I was completely blown away by his emotion, and how evil he was. He did the character justice in a way I never thought could be done. An excellent bad guy, and a great actor.

So if you want to see what I really think, check out my spoiler filled review.
I've got to say, I think this was my favorite movie I've seen this year. It blew me away visually,
through it's script, and acting. This movie has it all, and although I'm not sure I can say this is better than The Voyage Home, one of my favorite movies of all time, I can definitely and proudly give it my first 5/5. If you're a Star Trek fan, you'll love it. If you're not, you still will. So tell me what you think in the comments, and when you see the movie, be sure to check out my spoiler filled review, where part two of my review will be. Thanks for reading!
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