Our story picks up ten years after the events of The Terminator. Sarah Connor was put into a mental institution, and is now a warrior. She's no longer that innocent girl we saw in the first movie, she's ready to do whatever it takes to defend her son, and make sure he becomes the great warrior she was told he would.
John Connor (Ed Furlong) is under the impression that his mother is crazy, and he's living with foster parents. He's not exactly a model citizen, but who can blame him? He's lived his whole life thinking something special about himself, but now, his life is a lie... or is it?
The first time around, the Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) didn't succeed in his mission to destroy Sarah. So now, Skynet has sent back a new model, the T-1000 (Robert Patrick), made of liquid metal to destroy John. Just like last time, the Resistance sent a protector. But this time, it was a Terminator itself. The T-800 (Schwarzenegger).

There are way too many things to talk about, because of how much I love this movie. I can't possibly get to all of it, so I'll try to keep it simple. But trust me, if I don't mention it, odds are, I loved it.
The characters are great, each and every one of them. John is this bad mouthed kid who doesn't really like anybody. He's a rebel, basically. A good heart, but gets into trouble a bit too often. I love his character, and I loved his story. Sarah has become a soldier. She's completely different that how she was when we last saw her. And honestly, her character is even more interesting now. There's no denying the complete badass of Sarah Connor.

Robert Patrick was amazing as the new Terminator. He didn't talk much, but his body language said more than even words. Just as brutal and cold as the first one, but now, even more deadly.
Even though created more than twenty years ago, the action sequences are just as incredible and breathtaking today. I'm particularly fond of the asylum break out scene. That scene has some great action, hilarious humor, and great writing. My other favorite scene is the one at the steel mill. The first reason, is for the exhilarating action, and wonderful acting. The second reason... I'll get to in a moment.
Sarah Connor decides to become a Terminator herself and destroy the man responsible for the creation of Skynet, Miles Dyson (Joe Morton). Joe Morton is awesome, but beyond that, his character was really cool. Once again, his interaction with the cast was very fun to watch. And seeing Sarah Connor come to the understanding that it wasn't right to kill him was a great moral lesson of the movie.
This paragraph contains some spoilers, so be careful before you read.

I'm not usually very secretive that this is one of my top three favorite movies. I can find nothing wrong with it. It has heart, action, great writing, direction and characters. The actors are amazing, and the story just as good. But most of all, this movie has magic. More than I'm used to seeing. And that's why it's one of my favorite movies. It simply has it all. On top of all those things, it has a message. One that's not forced, not cheesy, simply true. "If a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life... maybe we can too."
Final Score: Off the charts

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