movie, so I wanted to talk about them. That should serve as a warning. DO NOT read this if you have not seen the movie. It WILL be full of spoilers and plot twist. Of course, if you just don't care, you're welcome, but read at your own risk. Anywho, let's talk spoilers!
So, This probably won't be all that long of a post because I mainly want to talk about the death of Kirk. We'll get to that later. First, I want to talk about the death of all those guys in the meeting room. I just wanted to mention how beautiful that scene was. Spock's mind meld was amazing. This, of course, paves the way for the adventure of the film.
And of course, Benedict Cumberbatch? Yeah, he's Khan. And he was AWESOME. I mean seriously, this guy was one of the best acting roles I've seen in a long time. He killed it... literally... but man was he cool. It gets me past the fact that he's not Hispanic. I know a lot of people are complaining about that, but honestly, it really doesn't bother me aside from the continuity error. I heard one person explain it like this: "In this movie, he starts out as John Harrison. That really isn't a name many Hispanic people would have. It wouldn't surprise me if in this future, changing one's race is possible." I'm not saying that's the official explanation, or even the one I'm buying. I'm saying there are explanations as to why he could be whiter than the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
The next big twist was when Robocop turned on Kirk. First of all, Peter Weller is simply awesome. He's a great actor who played a magnificent bad guy. In my opinion, he easily rivaled Khan. Too bad we won't see his character again. Either way, I'm not sure what more could have been done with him. I think ending his character was a good idea. But come on, it was a pretty cool twist having Carol Marcus (aka Hot Chick # 1) turn out to be his daughter. Then there was the awesome scene where Khan just snapped said hot chick's leg, then imploded Admiral Marcus's head. What an awesome scene.
Of course, Scotty left pretty early on in the movie, so I was afraid he wouldn't get much screen time. But he did, and his character was AWESOME. So hilarious, and just cool.
The way in which Spock tricked Khan into getting his crew back was so cool. When I saw it, it felt like the classic wittyness (a word?) of the original Star Trek series. Man. What a great way to end that. So clever, and even more nostalgic.

And of course, Kirk comes back from the dead at the end of this movie. I have a problem with anything that involves something like this. I think death should be something that cannot be defeated. And I get tired of people cheating death as if it means nothing. It's unrealistic, and I don't like it. This was my thought at first, but when I heard Bones say "You were barely dead," I felt better. It was similar to a defibrillator, or CPR. He was Resuscitated, not revived. I can live with that.
I gave this movie a 5/5, and I stand by that. Most of that comes from these spoilers, so I had to do this review too. So, if you saw the movie, what did you think of the spoilers? Which plot twist was your favorite? Let me know in the comments. See you next time!
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