Thursday, July 25, 2013


I've been noticing that a lot of reviewers have a lot of different meanings for their ratings. In short, when someone says they give something a 3/5, it may be entirely different from what my 3/5 might be. So, I just thought I'd let you guys know exactly what I mean when I give something a certain rating. Plus, I'm a little bored, so why not?

0/5: You might never see this rating, simply because it means I found NOTHING good about the movie in question. This is one case where I wish I would have never seen the movie. I'm not sure I've ever seen a movie that I would give this rating, but who knows? It might come.

1/5: This rating basically means that I truly hated the movie. I found it bad, boring, bland, etc... I might have found a few good points in the movie, but only a few. And they were nothing substantial, as they barely bring the movie up at all.

1.5/5: This is just a step above the last one. It means something in the movie made me smile, but in general, I just didn't like it. Basically, I thought it was a bad movie.

2/5: This basically means I didn't find the movie a complete waste of time. I didn't like it, but it wasn't HORRIBLE. It certainly could have been worse.

2.5/5: This rating implies that I don't care either way about the movie. There were good things, and there were bad things, and they basically cancelled each other out. And in the end, I really have no opinion about
the movie.

3/5: I mean... it was okay... That's basically what this means. There were several things that weigh the movie down, but it wasn't half bad.

3.5/5: It was a good movie. I enjoyed it. It was certainly not without it's flaws, but it was worth watching, and a good time.

4/5: This was a movie that I truly liked. It had a couple of things I wish could have been corrected, but they don't interfere with the movie all that much. I would buy this movie in a heartbeat, and It's definitely a movie worth watching several times.

4.5/5: This is basically the perfect movie. Any problems don't really interfere with the movie rating, and it's a movie I truly love. I probably already own the movie I've given this rating, and if I don't, then it's safe to assume that I'm hunting for it.

5/5: This means that not only did I find this movie perfect, but it went above and beyond the call of duty. It wasn't just amazing, it was magical. That's what gives a movie a perfect rating. It has to be even more than perfect. And most likely, I would call one of these movies, one of my all time favorites.

I don't know what the point of that was. But I figure it'd be good to have. If not for you guys, then for me. Now I have a rubric, and it might come in handy. So what's your rating system? How do you view movies? Let me know in the comments! Take it easy, guys!

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