Could the site be going through a major change? Read on to find out.
Hey guys. So, as most of you who have been viewing the site already know, I don't review every movie that comes out. Sorry, but money's tight. I'd love to go see every movie that comes out, but I just don't have the time or money to do so. Therefore, I am going to be changing the way I run the site. I've noticed that I don't go see every action movie, or every comedy, (although I love both genres) But I HAVE noticed that I go to see every Comic Book movie that comes out. Anyway, that's what this is about. I'm going to be changing the site to a comic book movie reviews, and news site. That doesn't mean that I won't be reviewing anything else, I might very well review R.I.P.D next week. You just never know. It just means that I will be shifting the focus of the site from movies in general, to comic book movies. I hope you guys like the change.
Also, one more thing, I'm going to very soon start a process of something I call "Retro Reviews." These will be reviews of movies one year or older, and may be ANY genre of movie. They WILL contain spoilers, so read at your own risk. I'm looking forward to it, and I hope you guys still keep up with my site. To those very few who do, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
What do you think of this change? Let me know in the comments. I'll see you around!
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